Citizenship by Investment

CBI programme from Grenada offer a number of benefits including visa-free travel to 142 countries including the UK. It is one of only three countries in the Caribbean with access to the USA E-2 treaty investor visa, meaning anyone with significant business investments in Grenada has the opportunity to also reside in the USA.


Grenada Citizenship by Investment

Grenada offers its government-sponsored citizenship by investment program enabling foreigners to obtain Grenada citizenship by investing a significant amount in the country. The benefits include

Visa-free travel to 140+ countries
E-2 Business Visa to the USA
Minimum Contribution of USD 150,000 only


Grenada is an island country located in the West Indies. The magnificent islands and their untouched beauty are always the primary cause of attraction for tourists from all corners of the world.

Grenada is also known as the "Isle of Spice" for being a prominent spice exporter worldwide. Caribbean islands are notorious for their astounding beauty, tropical climates, and magnificent islands, making them ideal for tourism and holiday destinations.

Tourism remains the foremost contributor to its economy, and the government is extending maximum support and convenience for tourists.

Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

In 2013, the Government of Grenada officially launched the citizenship by investment program to attract foreign investment and promote infrastructure development and tourism in the islands.

The Grenada citizenship by investment program requires the intending applicants to make a significant economic contribution to the country. The investments are to be made in government-approved projects, and once after fulfilling the required criteria and going through background checks, the applicants are granted Grenadian citizenship.

This dual citizenship program is one of the most convenient and suitable citizenship investment programs with minimum investment requirements.

If you want to obtain dual citizenship in the fascinating Caribbean islands, Grenada is among the best choices for you. Having numerous investment options, and fast-paced immigration programs, we have all possible resources and expert guidance to help you in obtaining dual citizenship of Grenada.

Benefits of the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program:

Visa-Free Travel:

Grenada citizens can enter 146 countries without requiring a visa. The destinations where you can travel visa-free include the UK, China, Hong Kong, and Europe's Schengen Area.

E-2 Investor Treaty Visa:

Grenada is the only citizenship-by-investment program with an E-2 Investor visa agreement with the USA. This program enables passport holders to apply for a non-immigrant visa and allows them to live and work there.

USA Tourist Visa:

If you hold the citizenship of Grenada, then you can get a B1/B2 tourist visa to the USA. The Grenada government has close ties and has signed treaties with the US government to facilitate its citizens.

Citizenship For Future Generations:

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program offers a remarkable opportunity for families to transfer their citizenship and secure a brighter future. Through this program, families can benefit from Grenada's citizenship privileges, including visa-free travel to numerous countries and access to quality education and healthcare.

No Minimum Stay Requirement:

There is no strict residence policy for this citizenship program, and the applicants do not have to reside in Grenada to acquire a passport physically. By just applying with Global Migrate, we can help you acquire your second passport.

Taxation Benefits:

One of the key advantages is that Grenada does not impose taxes on worldwide income, capital gains, gifts, or inheritance. This means that citizens who become residents of Grenada through the investment program can enjoy a favorable tax environment.

Requirements for Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program:

In order to qualify for citizenship, the applicants must make a significant economic contribution in one of the following sectors:

National Transformation Fund Donation:

In this contribution, the applicant must deposit a non-refundable amount of USD 150,000 to the NTF (Single Applicant).

The National Transformation Fund (NTF) contribution made as part of the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program is a non-refundable donation.

The donation amount varies depending on the number of dependents in the primary applicant's application.

For single applicants, a government donation of $150,000 is required to qualify for citizenship. Families consisting of two members are required to contribute $200,000, while families of three members or a family couple with two children also have a contribution amount of $200,000.

An additional $25,000 is added for each dependent for larger families of five or more.

These varying contribution amounts provide flexibility within the program, allowing applicants to choose the appropriate option based on their family size and ensure eligibility for Grenadian citizenship.

Real Estate:

The foreigners can purchase a government-approved real estate project worth at least USD 220,000.

In the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program, all real estate options available for investment have received official approval from the government.

One significant benefit of investing in real estate is that after five years, you can sell the property and retrieve your invested capital without impacting your citizenship status.

Furthermore, individuals interested in acquiring citizenship by purchasing real estate from a previous Citizenship by Investment (CBI) applicant, also known as secondary buyers, are eligible to obtain citizenship if they meet all the necessary regulatory requirements stipulated by the program.

This ensures that all applicants, including secondary buyers, can go through the appropriate processes and fulfill the criteria to obtain Grenadian citizenship through the CBI real estate option.

How to Obtain Grenada Citizenship By Investment?

How to Obtain Grenada Citizenship with Global Migrate:

Acquiring dual citizenship for Grenada can be a complex process, but with Global Migrate, we simplify it for you. Here's how we break down the steps:

  • Contact Global Migrate: Contact us to discuss your aspirations and settlement plans.
  • Investment Plans: Our experienced consultants guide you to the optimal investment path in real estate and public development funds.
  • Documents Preparation: We assist you in gathering and preparing all necessary documents, ensuring they meet program requirements.
  • Application Submission: Our dedicated team reviews your file for completeness and accuracy, facilitating submission through an authorized local agent.
  • Grenada Citizenship: Once the required investment is made, the Government of Grenada issues your citizenship certificate. We handle the passport application process on your behalf, saving you the hassle of visiting Grenada.

How Can Global Migrate Help?

Our professional assistance and personalized approach benefit you in various ways:

  • Document Preparation: We assist in gathering and preparing necessary documents.
  • Application Support: Our team completes and submits the application forms on your behalf.
  • Due Diligence Assistance: We guide you through the due diligence process.
  • Investment Selection: We analyze investment options to help you make an informed decision.
  • Application Tracking: We provide updates and necessary actions throughout the process.

Contact Us Today!

Choose Global Migrate as your trusted partner to navigate the Grenada Citizenship by Investment program confidently. Our expertise, attention to detail, and dedication ensure an exceptional experience.

Global Migrate has all the expertise and possible solutions if you search for optimal pathways for dual citizenship. Whether you intend to invest your wealth in economically prosperous countries or to operate a business overseas, we are here to assist by offering legitimate ways to expand your business through appropriate immigration routes.

We can assist you in finding real estate opportunities in Grenada that have long-term economic benefits for your wealth.

Contact us today to receive a Free Consultation and discuss your prospects for Grenada citizenship.


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